In our workshop we use our brains as well as our hearts. There are the machines, which guarantee hygiene and safety, but there are also our trusted pastry chefs who knead by hand, check, taste. Consistency and taste are due to them, to their skills and not to the machines! Our workshop of flavours is somewhere between a grandmother's kitchen and a spaceship. We have nothing to hide, but everything to show!

Some of the machines in our workshop have been with us since the first “tortina”. They have been fitted with state-of-the-art technology that guarantees the best performance and safety, but they still have the traditional soul that makes all the difference. It is not easy to find machines of this make. That is why Italian pastry bakeries that are lucky enough to have one preserve it like a treasure.
The pursuit of perfection
Did you know that the weight of each “tortina” is checked every five minutes? All our products - from frollini to almond pastries - during their production are subject to numerous continuous inspections, both visually, carried out by production specialists, and mechanically, thanks to the technology of certain systems.
Alla ricerca della perfezione
Sapevi che il peso di ogni tortina viene controllato ogni cinque minuti? Tutti i nostri prodotti – dai frollini alle paste di mandorla – vengono sottoposti a numerosissimi controlli continui durante la produzione. Sia visivi, effettuati da specialisti di produzione, che meccanici, grazie alla tecnologia di alcuni sistemi.
Craftsmanship and tradition
The machinery is combined with the skills of master pastry chefs and skilled workers, all ingredients are weighed manually, a visual check is made on all ingredients, which are already outstanding and certified, we rely on our machines, but we appreciate the work of the people.
Hygiene and disinfection
Temperature checks are carried out continuously, preference is given to biodegradable disposable containers and daily sanitisation operations are carried out on all instruments (don't take this for granted!).
La maestria e la tradizione
Ai macchinari vengono associate le competenze di mastri pasticceri e operai specializzati. Tutti gli ingredienti vengono pesati manualmente, viene fatto un controllo visivo su tutti gli ingredienti, già eccellenti e certificati. Ci fidiamo delle macchine, ma valorizziamo il lavoro delle persone.
Igiene e Sanificazione
Vengono fatti continuamente controlli sulla temperatura, vengono preferiti i contenitori monouso biodegradabili e vengono effettuate operazioni di sanificazione quotidiane su tutti gli strumenti (non pensare che sia poi così scontato!).

Production manager
“I am extremely proud of what we do in our workshops. We have very high standards and a truly passionate team that shares the same ethics, the same values, the same obsessive attention to the product“.